Monday, February 15, 2016


On the internet today, especially on social media, there's sometimes a HUGE risk associated with sharing one's thoughts with others.  There will be people who agree with every word, every ideal and position, then there are people who agree with you on some things but not others and no one seems to mind and then there are people who won't agree with anything you have to share, have to say or any views you may have on just about everything from soup to nuts AND their anger that you think what you think is expressed so vehemently that it can be painful at times.  

In my younger years it was very important for people to not only listen to what I thought but to agree with it if not at the very least not disagree.  It was important because I was young lacking life experience in the world but it was important to me mostly because at that young inexperienced age I had yet to find my self and had yet to discover that it didn't really matter whether or not others agreed with me as long as I felt comfortable with my views and was willing to change them once in a while when life showed me another way of seeing things. That was 'way back then' but in some ways really not quite so long ago.  It seems that life continues to show me that the convictions of my beliefs/philosophies while being very strong did not necessarily have to be shared by all who I shared them with.  So I suppose I'm learning day by day that sometimes it's critical to share one's views, even when they are not 'normal' to some others, and there are other times when sharing one's views is not only not critical but is nothing but a waste of one's energy to share it.

All that said why wouldn't anyone, no matter who they were, not feel that things that they were thinking about were worthy of sharing???  So here I am...jotting down random things that kind of got hung up in my mind after giving them some very intense and thorough contemplation.  Some things no doubt will not matter a whit to anyone and some things no doubt will anger some, cause some to agree and perhaps open a dialog where everyone gets to share, in an adult mature manner, their own thoughts so we can learn from one another.

DISCLAIMER: I simply want to say that I have no idea about myself that my thoughts mean anything to anyone but me and that no matter how one-sided my views may seem to be at times I have no expectation that everyone, or even anyone, will agree with a single word. It's about sharing who one is with the rest of the world in a way that will open up communications and will allow some of us to talk about things that may, or may not, matter a great deal to us in a venue where we feel comfortable and in the cases of some of us 'free' to be through our words someone we may not feel comfortable actually 'being'.

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